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KOOL's Kollection 선곡!! ^^

페이지 정보

작성자 WOWCCM 댓글 0건 조회 1,374회 작성일 04-03-14 17:45


Thirsty for more of You, more of Your Spirit and truth

Wash me from all my sin, fill me with Your Spirit again


You are the river of love, flowing with grace and mercy

Flooding my soul, filling my heart with peace

O river of love, like streams in desert

Giver of life, giving Your life and love to set me free

Heal me and I'll be healed

Save me and I will be saved

You've filled me with songs of praise

Forever I will sing of Your grace


If anyone is thirsty, let him come on in

When you drink the living water, you will never thirst again


Giving Your life and love to set me free

Giving Your life and love to set me free


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 655건 37 페이지
중독 게시판 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
115 짱돌자매 1344 05-17
114 베데스다 2125 05-09
113 짱돌자매 1521 05-07
신난다~^^* 댓글2
♡주님의딸♡ 1443 04-30
111 김민지 1537 04-29
110 베데스다 1354 04-26
오늘도... 댓글1
짱돌자매 1252 04-19
호산나~~~ 댓글1
베데스다 1450 04-04
똑똑똑~ 댓글1
짱돌자매 1276 04-01
106 베데스다 1455 03-30
105 ♡주님의딸♡ 1544 03-28
104 초록바다 1616 03-28
103 베데스다 1455 03-16
열람중 WOWCCM 1375 03-14
101 베데스다 1465 03-02




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